
What Is Truancy?

According to (Cambridge University Press, 2018) says that "T he problem or situation of children being absent from school regularly without permission"  many young people are influenced by their friends and not always so positive and then becomes in habit to see that they are not discovered,  they take that time to do things that their parents regularly not les permir do   and so they are not seen by their parents and the result of that leads to educational and family problems. (Stanislaw Tokarski, s.f.) Absenteeism is a problem seen in several countries and however don't do much by trying to solve this serious problem,  do not take you the proper emphasis as it should be and are still in time to solve this problem and if not now make the consequences of not doing it are veran affected greatly. According to statistics the countries such as Argentina, China, Chile, Mexico, Brazil and Peru are the greater absenteeism at the global level. One of th...

Consequences of Truancy

Truancy bring a lot of problem not only in a individual way, also for parents and the complete society.  This problem brings legal difficulties, especially for parents or anyone who take cares for the child or adolescent. According to what is described on the website criminaldefenselawyer.com in a post written by (Theoharis, 2016) , the legal problems of paternity for truancy can end in fines of money that increases each year, they can also be forced to take courses on how to be good parents, and in the worst case they can be taken to court under the crime of negligence.                                                                                                                    ...

Solutions of Truancy

Instead of focusing on punishment, we support families and make schools more enjoyable for children It is understandable to want to hold parents or guardians accountable for making sure their children go to school, behave and do their homework every day. That, after all, seems to be his job. But the little-implemented school absenteeism laws are already very punitive. The fact is that children are much more likely to be chronically absent when facing poverty and other overwhelming family challenges, such as living in a single-parent household and having a mother with health problems or with limited education. We also know from research that the likelihood of truancy increases if a child has to deal with domestic or community violence. Source: https://topicalteaching.com/2011/01/18/how-do-they-come-up-with-these-ideas/ Students who are more likely to be absent tend to come from their homes and live in neighborhoods that are seriously distressed. The answer is not t...

Causes of Truancy

There are a variety of causes that contribute to the adolescent becoming truant, it can be due to personal problems or the environment that surrounds them. Among the personal problems can be: (CURIOSIDADES, 2016) Many students think that the school will not do them any good, and they start the study independently. Probably some feel bored of the educational system, or the few dynamic teachings that are offered. (SIphotography, 2017) Some causes is the simple fact that they have a lesson, exposicion or presentation of tasks and were not prepared. Self-esteem issues as they seek to feel socially accepted, following fashions within their school environment. A principal factor may be the fact that they seek to be accepted in their circle of friends, feel that pressure not to "disappoint" them. On the other hand also the truancy is caused by: (MENTES LIBERADAS, 2013) Many students have problems with teachers, becaus...