What Is Truancy?
According to (Cambridge University Press, 2018) says that "The problem or situation of children being absent from school regularly without permission" many young people are influenced by their friends and not always so positive and then becomes in habit to see that they are not discovered, they take that time to do things that their parents regularly not les permir do and so they are not seen by their parents and the result of that leads to educational and family problems.
(Stanislaw Tokarski, s.f.)
Absenteeism is a problem seen in several countries and however don't do much by trying to solve this serious problem, do not take you the proper emphasis as it should be and are still in time to solve this problem and if not now make the consequences of not doing it are veran affected greatly. According to statistics the countries such as Argentina, China, Chile, Mexico, Brazil and Peru are the greater absenteeism at the global level.
One of the countries with most problems of absenteeism as (Redacción LA,
2017) the highest percentage of truancy is the country of Argentina with a 59% and not just by students but by teachers.
Better referencing video which means truancy
Virginia, 2013)
Univerity Press. (2018). Cambridge Dictionary. Recuperado el 2 de julio de
2018, de Truancy :
-Lynchburg Virginia. (29
de agosto de 2013). youtube . Recuperado el 2 de julio de 2018, de
Truancy video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRW8BXypewg
-Redacción LA. (10 de abril de
2017). LOSANDES. Recuperado el 2 de julio de 2018, de
Tokarski. (s.f.). shutterstock . Recuperado el 2 de julio de 2018, de
By: Ivonne Baño Zambrano
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